Energy efficient homes and sustainability
Energy efficient homes are a hot topic in development. Whether you’re watching your favourite home-build TV programme or choosing between self-build eco-friendly houses – sustainable development is on everybody’s mind. The Planning guidelines also point firmly to the encouragement of sustainable development …… and rightfully so, given the energy and environmental challenges we all face.
We’re not new to energy efficiency either. In fact, we’ve provided energy efficient buildings and solutions for clients since the early 1990s…
Passionate about energy efficient homes
We recognised early in our business life that energy efficiency was an important part of how buildings should perform. Also, the benefits occupiers can get from energy efficient houses add to their enjoyment of the structure – and enhance their lifestyle.
In 1993 we linked with Classic-Hus, a leading Swedish energy-efficient homes specialist. Our on-going relationship continues to bring the benefits of the principle of Scandinavian energy efficient homes to the UK market.
Maximise energy efficiency and sustainability
Are you planning sustainable development? If so, imagine how we could benefit your proposals, be it for a one-off house or a larger scale development. To learn more, please contact us.